Hello all! Long time no see. :3
So I just finish my faculty orientation about three days ago and now I finally have a spare time to write in my blog. Well, to be honest, I'm not really free either, because apparently THAT orientation isn't over yet. I still have TKA (Temu Kangen Akrab), some kind of ospek, but we're going somewhere and stay the night there for 3 days. And what really shocked me is, they still give us a weekly task that have to be submitted every Friday at 4PM until the event start, which means until early October. WHYYY?? I thought we have enough assignment from the lecturer but noo-- we still have to do it to. Uh, ahem, okay, I'm not complaining, just a little bit shock, that's all.
Anyway I don't think I've shown you my new room in Yogyakarta, so here it is.
I live in a dorm near to my campus. It took 15 minutes walk to get there or 7 minutes if I use my bike (my legs getting bigger but I couldn't careless). The food's great, there's a mini mart at the other side of my dorm so I don't have to struggled if I want to buy something.
That's my bed and my desk at the far end. I really like it here. It's peaceful and beautiful. (Not beautiful like a beach or mountain view but something better than my old room view: ventilation with bars and roof top) AND finally my room have a window that ACTUALLY functioning properly as room circulation system. HA! I don't have Aircon here but it's a bit cold in here at night. We have two bed and two bathroom. Okay not really two bathroom, one room is for showering and the other room is for digestive problem (hahahah).
I have a pretty cool roomie, at least we can communicate and interact (yes, I've bravely stepped out from my comfort zone and try to talk to her even though I'm a social inept). We have our similarities and differences but that's okay we're fine. So far so good :3

I have a pretty loose schedule that I hope I can use in a good way, I have pretty huge ambition and this schedule make it easier to achieve. I want to get a good GPA so I can apply the scholarship or student exchange program. And to make this ambition more achievable, I'll stop procrastinating, I'll stop watching unnecessary stuff (BC's interview and movies in not included. THEY'RE NECESSARY TO ME), I'll stop being lazy and I hope I can really do this thing.
Speaking of lazy, I don't think laziness is my biggest problem here, the lack of information is. Half of the reason why I can't finish my tasks in time is because I don't know where to find the information. I keep on depending myself on my friend, and I really hate this because I know one of the is a kind of shallow person who like to withhold the information from my group. That bastard. But anything else a part of that is fantastic. My major is fantastic. Psychology is fantastic.
Again. I feel euphoric every time I remember that I'm listed as a Psychology student in UGM. The giddy feeling before I entered the class. The odd feeling like my stomach been turned upside down every time I raised my hands to answer/ask something. Enthusiastic nods every time I understand what the lecturer said. I really hope this enthusiasm last forever. I bloody hope so. :)
I guess this is the end of this post as I actually have to go to interview some of the faculty staff for pasca-ospek's assignment. Well, wish me luck everyone. I still have a very looong journey from here.